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Christopher Christie
Christopher Christie is an accomplished IT professional with extensive experience in software engineering, enterprise networking, security, and project management. A former Head of Technology at a national agency, and Data Protection Consultant, His career spans multiple roles including Systems Development Manager at Xerox Services, and Software architect. He has designed and developed numerous systems, including subscriber billing platforms for the cable industry, and integration systems for Fortune 500 companies in the United States. Additionally, He is a pioneer of electronic medical records system in Jamaica for medical practitioners, combining his knowledge and research for innovative advancements in the area of technological efficiencies. He is skilled in database technologies, systems architecture, integration, and security management, with proficiency in tools such as C#, .NET, SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. With additional credentials in Security Management, Education, and Data Analytics. An experienced leader, Christopher has worked in both technical and business development roles, mentoring and coaching teams to deliver effectively and efficiently. His global exposure ensures he remains on the cutting edge and is uniquely positioned to guide his students as an educator.
Member since January 2025
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NCTVET Accredited

Data Operations - Level 1

0 Lectures
6 months

Data Operations - Level 1

Launch Your Career in Data Operations! 📢 NCTVET-Accredited Level 1 Course 📊 Master the Art of Data Management!...
0 Lectures
6 months
NCTVET Accredited

Database Operations - Level 2

0 Lectures
6 months
Coming soon: 01.05.2025

Database Operations - Level 2

Database Operations course equip students with the essential skills to manage and maintain database systems effectively
0 Lectures
6 months

Cyber Security Essentials 101

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computers, networks, and data from hackers and cyber threats. Businesses need stron...
6 Lectures
15 minutes

Data Protection for Business

- Data Protection Principles and Lawful Processing - Rights of Data Subjects - Responsibilities of Data Controllers & Proce...
1 Lecture
30 minutes
IT for CSEC and CAPE

Mastering CSEC IT

12 Lectures
at your own pace

Mastering CSEC IT

Starting with the fundamental building blocks of IT—such as hardware and software—the course expands into key areas like data m...
12 Lectures
at your own pace
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